AS Professionalism Document



In 2011 AS made professionalism a Strategic Plan goal. The goal has three objectives. At the 2011 Winter retreat, staff participated in exercises aimed at ‘defining professionalism in the AS context’ (objective A), ‘conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects that we are role models for students and demonstrates expertise, integrity, commitment to AS goals’ (objective B), and ‘looking at what professionalism is and is not in relation to peers, students and other UC colleagues (objective C). During the retreat, staff elected from among their peers a group to consider the retreat information and shape a definition of professionalism for AS.  The group, Freddie, Aaron, Scott, Monica and Sean, met twice and developed the following document for staff consideration.  The group recommends that the document be used as a self-evaluative tool for staff and a supervisor guide for an annual review comment (in the comments section) on professionalism and professional growth. The group further recommends that the information be printed on posters as a positive reminder to ‘conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects that we are role models for students and demonstrates expertise, integrity, commitment to AS goals’ (objective B).

In their deliberations, the group considered the work of staff during the retreat, the AS Mission, the AS Strategic Plan and the annual evaluation form and instructions provided by the University.  They also examined existing definitions of professionalism from numerous sources. The work led the group to this format, one that provides for growth within the definition and embodies all of the objectives of Strategic Plan Culture Goal 5.  Each section is intended to include the previous section by reference (e.g., if you are a Dynamic Initiating professional, then by definition, not only do you embody those aspects of professionalism, but you also embody those in Sections A-D).

Here is the original Professionalism document.